Sometimes a small gesture of kindness can go a long way. Some people can seek comfort knowing that someone cares.
Facebook user, Bruce Mathieu, shared a post of his encounter with a female doctor at Living Well Cafe. Living Well Cafe is located at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and is also the place where Bruce works at.
He shared that it was during lunch hour when he was approached by a young female doctor. According to him, this was what she said:
“I don’t know if you remember me but I was here last year when I was still a student in medical school. Anyway, there was once you saw me standing over there crying. You came over, gave me a cup of free coffee and asked if everything was alright. I told you I was having a very bad day. Well, I’m here to tell you I’ve graduated and I’m now a doctor here. And also to say thank you for the coffee.”
Despite being a stranger, Bruce’s simple act of kindness was what managed to move her and help her get through the day.
Indeed, there are times we never know what someone is going through behind their smiles. It is not often we would display signs of our own personal struggles.
Of course, if we are aware of what those around us are going through, we would definitely be nicer. But we shouldn’t have to see signs or be made aware to treat people with kindness; we should just be kind. If we have to choose between being kind and being right, choose to be kind and you will always be right!
Like what Bruce said: Don’t underestimate what a simple cup of coffee can do!